Collaborative innovation is only possible when what each partner gives is balanced by what each gets. The Give|Get tool helps us define what our business offer will be to potential partners and what we will expect in return.

“From what we get we make a living. From what we give we make a life”.

Arthur Ashe

Open innovation is all about sharing the risks and rewards of innovation. Long-lasting partnerships are built on a mutually satisfactory Give|Get balance.

So for any particular Open Innovation Models that we are considering, we should ask: What are we going to Give? (e.g. time/resource, licence fees, scale, development, test marketing, brand).

What are we going to Get? (e.g. exclusivity, novel IP, concept development funding, prototyping, branding).

Once we have done this, we repeat the exercise from a potential partner’s point of view and note any areas of potential disagreement about the Give|Get value equation and refine.

Even better, sit down with a potential partner early in the relationship and fill in the cards together. If you feel really confident, fill them in from the other’s point of view first and compare notes!




Source: Inspired by WeCreate



Use this tool in a Proposition or Business Model Jam to rehearse or design new business relationships.

Explore Open Innovation Models to test different types of relationship and Open Innovation Metrics for further details.

You can prepare a Give|Get card in order to prepare for writing a Pitch Template with a compelling offer.


  1. Open innovation is absolutely unknown in my home country and I’m willing to learn more and make the model popular in our local ecosystem.

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