Here’s a selection of the buzzwords we’ve used in this toolkit. We’ve endeavoured to keep them to a minimum but we couldn’t resist these!
This is a 100%Open process that allows partners to collaborate safely without fear of intellectual property contamination or giving away an idea for free. It involves mediation by trusted agents
This is a definition of how a business makes money. It defines where revenue comes from and costs go to. It describes the value proposition for customers and all the activities and partnerships that make up the business
The organisation instigating the open innovation process who has a specific problem to solve or an opportunity to innovate a new product, service, process or experience
In-house, secret R&D that generates IP for proprietary commercialisation
This is a type of Open Innovation Model where partners create, merge or own new ideas, offerings or businesses together
When used as a type of Open Innovation Model, it is where partners collaborate to combine IP, seek ideas by crowdsourcing or design innovations together
When used as a type of Open Innovation Model, it is where partners cooperate to exchange IP or know-how for joint projects, temporary alliances or to access new markets
This is a large group of people online (typically potential innovation partners, members of the public, employees or customers) that are interested and engaged in our open innovation challenge
A process that uses a web-based platform to host communities that submit ideas in response to specific challenges
The 100% Open Innovation Toolkit follows the three distinct phases in a typical open innovation process: Explore, Extract, Exploit. The Explore phase finds insights and sets strategy
The 100% Open Innovation Toolkit follows the three distinct phases in a typical open innovation process: Explore, Extract, Exploit. The Extract phase is for the discovery of ideas and creation of prototypes
The 100% Open Innovation Toolkit follows the three distinct phases in a typical open innovation process: Explore, Extract, Exploit. The Exploit phase builds a collaborative business model and a proposition to test
The successful application of a new idea
The person or organisation that the Challenge Holder wants to work with because they have the ideas, technology, intellectual property or solution. This could be an entrepreneur, an inventor, a small business, a start-up, an exiting supplier, a client/customer, a university or a user
A 100%Open service that locates potential Innovation Partners
This is the concise question that tells potential Innovation Partners what Challenge Holders are looking for
This workshop depends on a diversity of attendees, extreme collaboration activities and alternating thinking styles to stimulate collaboration
This is a sub-set of your users who are particularly enthusiastic or demanding about your product or service, and are able to sign-post ways in which these could be developed
This is a type of innovation in which partners share the risks and the rewards of innovating together
A way of defining the relationship between businesses when the sharing of risk and reward of collaboration is considered
This is a detailed description of the type of user for whom we are innovating
This is a way of describing how a user and others will benefit from an innovation
This is a model of a new product or service that is just realistic enough to be able to develop and test it
This is a tool for gathering new insights in real time by analysing social media content
This is a small group of important and influential people within or connected to our open innovation challenge who contribute to the process and stand to benefit from it
This tool is used by designers to help express how an innovation will work in the real world as a series of scenes from a story
This is the person or organisation that is sometimes appointed to act as a broker and intermediary between the Challenge Holder and potential Innovation Partners to protect confidentiality, build trust and bridge cultural gaps
This is a specific benefit or need that users aren’t getting from current products or services
This is the person or group of people we are innovating for and who will ultimately use the product, service, process or experience we are developing through the open innovation process
This is a road map that helps a company plan its future innovation targets and how to achieve them
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