Usually, in September, there is a flurry of innovation activity as people get back from their holidays and apply noses to grindstones once again. This is no usual September. Even going back to school in the literal sense is fraught with fear and uncertainty.
Many businesses, charities, and government departments are in a state of flux. Many businesses are having to radically alter their plans to keep liquid, most charities are witnessing a collapse in donations and several UK government teams are having to be super agile about their strategies and funds.
It is at times like these that innovation occupies an uncomfortable space in most organisations. Is it a strategic imperative – to pivot carefully prepared plans into a new reality? Or is it a luxury when jobs are on the line and businesses are shutting their doors?
I believe there is one constant in all this change. This is the requirement to collaborate. Many of us will have been a part of or witnessed, the way our local communities have pulled together throughout the pandemic. We have also started to see similar behaviours in the innovation community. So this term, let’s put collaboration at the top of our agendas and lend each other a helping hand wherever we can, just like at home.
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