At 100%Open, we’re committed to exploring the latest trends and developments in open innovation. This month, we’re focusing on the urgent need for a new approach to the climate crisis. When the pandemic exposed the fragility of our economic and social systems, a new, more connected, approach emerged. The situation was clearly urgent and important. But climate change seems easier to put onto the back burner. Looking beyond innovation for Net Zero, we see this cultural factor in many organisations as it is very hard to disrupt your own company and you won’t be thanked for it in the short term. The energy, transport, construction and agriculture incumbents in industry and society have this problem – it’s a bit like trying to stand on a rug and pull it out from under you. Some of you who are trying to create a digital twin, implement AI or oversee digital transformation at the moment will know what I mean.
At 100%Open, we believe that open innovation has a vital role to play in driving such transformations. By including diverse stakeholders and fostering collaboration, new insights are gained from an external perspective that help our clients think beyond Business-As-Usual. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve living standards around the world, we need systems thinking as well as new creative business models.
In this worked example of the 100%Open Vectors tool we draw on a recent client project to imagine the key constituencies that need to be connected to achieve lasting change. Vectors is a powerful tool for visualising and mapping out your innovation strategy over time. With Vectors, you can determine what you intend to innovate, the steps needed to achieve your goals, and how different innovations will relate to each other. Vector is an excellent tool for companies and organisations looking to reduce their carbon emissions. By mapping out your innovation strategy, you can identify areas where innovation can help reduce carbon emissions, whether it’s through the adoption of renewable energy sources or the implementation of more sustainable practices.
Only by working together can policymakers, innovators, businesses and opinion formers create the systemic change that the world needs in the order that it needs. If you are in one of these stakeholder groups, what can you do to link up and coordinate with each of the others?
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