Where the suits meet the sneakers

Innovating is connecting. Connecting people, connecting ideas, and connecting places.

At 100%Open we focus on open innovation. Or to put it another way to connect the suits and the sneakers; the corporates with growing start-ups; the creatives and the geeks; the commercial opportunities with social responsibility.

Alphabeta Building

Here are three quick examples of open innovation that we’ve been involved with recently:

  1. Go Detroit is a new project with Ford to connect the citizens of the city with social and technology entrepreneurs to reimagine how they could travel around their city safely, easily and reliably.
  2. We are very much looking forward to our next connected cities mission which is connecting growing UK start-ups with public and private sector buyers and investors in three cities in India.
  3. Lastly we are excited to be nominated for a prestigious award about our recent work with the Red Cross to connect experts globally to develop ideas to protect victims of conflict and in the provision of humanitarian aid.

So when we were looking for a new workspace recently, we wanted a space that can match our ambition, grow our networks, and accommodate our growing business. And so we were delighted to find Huckletree Shoreditch, a new type of co-working space situated in the recently refurbished Alphabeta Building on Finsbury Square, literally half way between the cool kids of Old Street and the suited city-types of Moorgate and Liverpool Street in London, we don’t think we could be better placed.


In the building are wide range of start-ups and a fascinating blend of medium and large sized companies, together with an active online community and programme of events to ensure maximum mixing of people and ideas. We moved in this week and really believe it is a great fit and a great location for where we are today and what we want to become tomorrow.

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As it says in bright neon letters on one of the walls, stay curious, and we certainly intend to. Please do come and drop by and say hello. We’d be delighted to connect with you and your organisation. You never know what might happen.

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