The Open 100



We’re often asked ‘Who is making money from open innovation?’ or ‘Which organisations are successfully implementing open innovation?’. The fact that people keep asking these questions must mean it isn’t clear enough yet.


Therefore we’ve started a list called The Open 100 which aims to find the 100 top open innovation organisations globally? It is in alphabetical order from, Amazon to Zopa, with a very short desription of their open innovation initiative of example. This list has been compile including input from, amongst others, Henry Chesbrough which I'm really delighted about.



1.  Amazon  -  Amazon marketplace
2.  Apache  -  Open Source Webservers
3.  Apple  -  iphone app store
4.  Basecamp  -  Collaborative Project Management
5.  BBC  -  Backstage/Labs
6.  Berkeley Innovation Forum  -  Share Innovation Management Practices
7.  BT Plc  -  21CN
8.  Cancer Research UK  -  Open Ventures Challenge
9.  Creative Commons  -  Creative Commons
10. Dell  -  Ideas Storm
11. Distance Lab  -  Mutsogato
12. eBay  -  Online marketplace
13. Ebbsfleet Utd  -
14. Facebook  -  Connect
15. Flickr  -  Photosharing
16. Google  -  Google Wave
17. Guardian  -  Guardian API
18. IBM  -  Global Innovation Jam
19. IDEO  -  Human Centred Design Toolkits
20. Imperial College  -  Design London
21. Innocentive  -  Crowdsourced problem solving
22. Innoget  -  Open innovation marketplace
23. Innovation Exchange  -  Trusted Intermediary Membership Network
24. iStockPhoto  -  User Generated Photos
25. John Lewis  -  Cooperative Retail Chain
26. Kluster  -
27. Last.FM  -  Internet Radio
28. Lego  -  Mindstorms
29. Livework  -  Streetcar
30. McLaren F1  -  Applied Technologies
31. MIT  -  OpenCourseWare
32. Mozilla  -  Firefox
33. Ocean Tomo  -  IP Auction Marketplace
34. Open University  -  Open University
35. Oracle  -  Open Alchemy
36. Orange  -  Open Innovation Labs
37. OsCar  -  Open source car
38. P&G  -  Connect and Develop
39. PLOS   -  Public Library of Science Open Access Journals
40. Properllerhead  -  Music Software
41. RCA  -  Design London
42. RedHat  -  Linux
43. River Simple  -  Open car design process
44. Science Commons  -  Science Commons
45. Sense Worldwide  -  Global creative R&D network
46. SSIPEX  -  Shanghai Silicon brokerage for semiconductor IP
47. Spotify  -  Music access
48. Star Tides  -  Military / Humanitarian collaboration
49. Technology Strategy Board  -  Connect and Catalyse
50. Tesco  -  T-Jam
51. The Co-op  -  Bank Cooperative Banking
52. The Hub  -  Business Incubation
53. Thinkpublic / NHSi  -  Experienced based co-designed health services
54. Threadless  -  T-Shirts
55. TSMC   -  Open Innovation Platform for semiconductor design & IP
56. Twitter  -  Microblogging
57. Ubuntu  -  Open Source Operating System
58. Unipart  -  Green shoots
59. Virgin Atlantic  -  V-JAM
60. Wikipedia  -  Online Encyclopedia
61.  -  IP transaction space
62. YouTube  -  Video Sharing
63. Zopa  -  P2P Finance


Please do add to or edit this list, debate and discuss, and add any useful links where possible. Else, if you’d like to be more involved, please edit the wiki here or share with us any other similar resources that you know are out there. Thanks.


We’re not exactly sure what we are going do with The Open 100 just yet, but let us know how you think it could and should be developed. I’m looking forward to the point when we get to 100 and then need to start debating who makes the list and who doesn’t, and crucially the reasons why. Anyway, we’d be grateful as ever for your contributions or comments.



  1. Hi Roland
    Got a few more for you right off the top of my head:
    – NineSigma
    – YourEncore – tap into the retired community
    – 99 Designs – open design marketplace
    – Starbucks – My starbucks idea
    Tons more I’m sure – but these came straight to mind!

  2. Thanks Boris,
    All great suggestions. I’ve added them to the wiki which is now almost complete (just 2 more needed). Once we have the 100 we intend to use it to create a more interactive directory where people can vote and rank open innovators.

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