This video by the excellent Christian Payne AKA documentally speaks for itself. Interviewing a range of people at the Amplified08 event held here at NESTA in November it asks just that one simple question…
I'd be interested in hearing which of the voices resonated for you.
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“I’d be interested in hearing which of the voices resonated for you” –
Ian Forrester and Loney Planet spokeswoman said some interesting things. Contributers adding value to a site / project want something back.
Competing with the BBB (owners of loney planet) will be difficult in the UK in 2009.
I am interested in social media from a systems and cybernetics perspective: this voice is absent from the discussion.
I don’t want to invest more time in writing here: i don’t know how much value I offer, and make the judgment that few people will read this.
Anyone interested in a discussion please sykpe alexhough, or mail me:
*BBC not BBB