We are official at last. Nesta Connect launched last night and we had a great turnout and a range of interesting speakers. It feels odd to be launching as we’ve been doing ‘stuff’ for some time but it’s good to be finally fully up and running.
Jonathan Kestenbaum set the scene followed by Eric Von Hippel, the ‘David Beckham’ of Innovation, who gave us a whistlestop tour of all things new and important in collaborative innovation. I tried to give a brief outline of what we are trying to achieve and highlighted our first three flagship projects, namely Design London, Procter and Gamble Open Innovation Challenge, and Crucible. Jeremy Myerson of RCA and David Gann from Imperial then set out the vision for the Design London programme. The videocast of the event is now online here if anybody is interested in taking a look.
Anyway, we’ll keep posting here as we go/learn, and David and Rachel from the Connect team will also start posting too. Would be interested to get feedback on the launch or the lowdown on interesting things happening in the wonderful world of collaborative innovation.
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Open collaborative innovation boosted by NESTANESTA provided a strong boost last week to the idea that innovation comes from open, collaborative approaches – rather than just research departments and manufacturers working behind closed doors protecting their secrets with the aid of intellectual pr…
Thanks for an inspirational launch. In case the trackback doesn’t work … http://www.designingforcivilsociety.org/2007/06/open_collaborat.html
NESTA Goes Open SourceNESTA hosted events with two smart open source chappies this week. Yesterday evening there was a presentation from Prof Eric Von Hippel, MIT Professor and author of Democratising Innovation and this morning a breakfast chat with Karim Lakhani from HBS.